Welcome to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wilkes-Barre, is a confessional, liturgical congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Since 1901 we’ve gathered together around Word and Sacrament in praise, thanksgiving, and prayer to Christ who gives us life.

In-Person Worship Sunday’s at 10:45 Am.
Divine Service (w/Communion)
Education Hour at 9:30 Am
Sunday School (K-8) & Adult Bible Study (HS-Adult)
All services are live-streamed via Facebook Live.
**Matins (No Communion) every first Sunday except feast days.
Our Worship
At St. Peter’s worship is formal, reverent, and distinctively Lutheran. God’s love is most clearly demonstrated when He distributes His gifts of Word and Sacrament to the body of Christ in the Divine Service
Our Confession
As Lutherans we are inheritors of the rich traditions and clear confession of faith made by the 16th century reformers and formalized in the 1580 Book of Concord. Our beliefs are rooted in Holy Scripture and our traditions are an expression of those beliefs.
As Lutheran Christians we enjoy a heritage of learning. We focus on deep, meaningful spiritual and intellectual growth rooted in the Word of God. We are guided in the Holy Scriptures by the tools given us by our fathers in the faith. Chief among them is the Small Catechism of Martin Luther.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Secretary: splcsec@gmail.com
*best method of contact is using the provided webform (on the right of this page).
(570) 823-7332 - Church Office
Pastor’s contact information available by request.